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Roof Estimation Services

In addition to insurance claim processing and adjuster training, Brown & Wells also specializes in writing roof estimates in Xactimate starting at only $49.

All Brown & Wells roof estimates are completed by a collaborative staff of Xactimate instructors, active and retired insurance adjusters, building consultants and roofing contractors and directly serve the insurance and construction industries.

Our clients include contractors, homeowners, adjusters, lawyers and property owners .

Roof estimates when you need them

Stressed over that tricky roof estimate?  Too many claims to handle?  Roof estimate deadlines not being met?

Whether you're lacking Xactimate skills, an adjuster or roofing contractor trying to stay on top of your workflow or stuck trying to finalize a complicated roof estimate, we're here to help!

We know how important a timely turn around is.  Brown & Wells will complete your Xactimate roof sketch and estimate for you in just 1-2 business days.  Your final product will include both PDF and ESX versions of your estimate utilizing local labor and material pricing specific to your project.

Increase your claim handling potential and achieve a piece of mind with the highest skilled Xactimate roof estimators in the industry.

White label services

Are you a roofing contractor looking to provide a more polished estimate to your client?

Today, consumers expect their contractor's estimates and proposals to be as clean and polished as their final work product.

For a one-time onboarding fee of $75, have your company's personal information including business contact information and logo on all of your future roof estimates! 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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